So. This is it, my new blog "The Fool on the Lake".
A few words about me, what I plan do here and what this blog is about:
I´ve started blogging in 2007 with my first blog named
"No Sleep Till Konstanz". And after a while of blogging in my mother tongue German, I realized that people from all over the world got lost on my blog, but didn´t stay for long because they couldn´t understand what was written (or at least, that´s what I assume).
The language of the internet is (mostly) English and it happens to be one of the few foreign languages I (try to) speak.
Why shouldn´t I start a blog in English?
Another reason is that I´ve found out that there were some things I wanted to blog which wouldn´t have made sense
in German at all, but seemed to be perfect for an anglophone blog (I don´t quite remember what that was, but I assure you, it made sense back then).
I think I know now what Lothar Matthäus, who was a German soccer player, must have felt like when he told the media at a press conference in New York:
"My English is not so good, but my German is better."
What Lothar might have been trying to say was (or at least what I´m trying to say with that quote):
Please don´t bash me for my lousy English.
Last but not least some NAQ´s (never asked questions):
Why did you name your blog "The Fool on the Lake"?
- I live in Konstanz, Germany, which is at the Lake of Konstanz. And the thing about the Fool... aren´t we all fools, at least
What is "The Fool on the Lake" about?
- Well mostly the things I´m interested in, which is sometimes pretty much anything and sometimes rather nothing.
"The Fool on the Lake" will more or less be "No Sleep till Konstanz" in English. Less because I´m not going to translate everything I blog on "NSTK" and more because I´m going to post some things exclusively on this blog.
So, let´s start blogging!
P.S: I know the layout is somehow missing yet. I´m trying to find it on the weekend.